Fibroid Care

Our focus on specialized care and innovative treatments ensures personalized solutions for your health needs

At Manchanda’s Endoscopic Centre (MEC), we have extensive expertise in treating fibroids. We currently perform the highest number of laparoscopic myomectomies in India with a success rate close to 100%. Over the past decade, we’ve completed more than 3000 laparoscopic myomectomy procedures, including removing the largest fibroid in the world through laparoscopy. We offer non-surgical management options for many fibroids and have successfully helped many women conceive even with fibroids present. Additionally, for cases where cesarean section is necessary, we can remove fibroids during the procedure. If you’ve been diagnosed with fibroids, we welcome you to visit us for further treatment.

What are Fibroids?

Fibroids are like small lumps that can grow in a girl’s uterus. They are usually not cancerous, which means they’re not dangerous like tumors. Think of them like tiny, harmless bumps. Sometimes they can make a girl’s periods more painful or heavy, but most of the time they don’t cause any problems at all. If they do cause issues, there are treatments available to help manage them.

How common are fibroids?

Fibroids are pretty common, especially in women during their childbearing years. About 3 out of 4 women will have them at some point in their lives, but not all of them will have symptoms or even know they have them. So, while they’re quite common, not everyone with fibroids will have any issues because of them.

What are the causes of fibroids?

The precise cause of fibroids isn’t completely understood, but they appear to be connected to hormones, particularly estrogen and progesterone. These hormones fluctuate throughout a woman’s menstrual cycle. Genetics also play a role; if a woman’s mother or sister has fibroids, she may be more likely to develop them as well. Additionally, factors such as age, obesity, and ethnicity can influence their occurrence. However, there is still much to learn about why some women develop fibroids while others do not.

What are the symptoms of fibroids?

The symptoms of fibroids can vary from person to person, but some common ones include:

  • Heavy or painful periods: Fibroids can make your periods heavier or more painful than usual.
  • Pelvic pain or pressure: You might feel pain or pressure in your pelvic area, like cramps that won’t go away.
  • Frequent urination: Fibroids can press on your bladder, making you feel like you need to pee more often.
  • Difficulty emptying your bladder: Large fibroids can make it hard to completely empty your bladder when you pee.
  • Constipation or difficulty having a bowel movement: Fibroids can press on your intestines, causing constipation or making it hard to poop.
  • Backache or leg pains: Sometimes, fibroids can cause pain in your lower back or legs.

What are the different types of fibroids?

There are a few different types of fibroids based on where they grow in the uterus:

  • Subserosal fibroids: These grow on the outer surface of the uterus and can sometimes press on other organs, causing pain or pressure.
  • Intramural fibroids: These are the most common type and grow within the muscular wall of the uterus. They can make the uterus feel bigger and cause heavy or painful periods.
  • Submucosal fibroids: These grow into the inner cavity of the uterus and can cause heavy or prolonged periods and sometimes fertility problems.
  • Pedunculated fibroids: These are attached to the uterus by a stalk, and they can grow either inside or outside the uterus.
How are fibroids diagnosed?

Fibroids are typically diagnosed through a combination of medical history, physical examination, and imaging tests. Here’s how it usually goes:

  1. Medical history and physical examination: Your doctor will ask about your symptoms, menstrual cycle, and any other relevant medical history. They’ll also conduct a physical examination, feeling your abdomen to check for any abnormalities.
  2. Imaging tests: To confirm the presence of fibroids and determine their size and location, your doctor may order one or more imaging tests:
    • Ultrasound: This is often the first test done to visualize fibroids. It uses sound waves to create images of the uterus and fibroids.
    • MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging): This provides detailed images of the uterus and fibroids, helping to identify their size, number, and location.
    • CT (Computed Tomography) scan: Sometimes used to get a clearer picture of the fibroids and their relationship to other organs.
  3. Other tests: Depending on your symptoms and medical history, your doctor may recommend additional tests, such as blood tests to check for anemia (low red blood cell count) if you have heavy bleeding.

Once diagnosed, your doctor can discuss treatment options with you, depending on the size, number, and location of the fibroids, as well as your symptoms and desire for future fertility.

What are the treatment options for fibroids?

There are several treatment options for fibroids, depending on factors like the size and location of the fibroids, severity of symptoms, and whether you want to have children in the future. Here are some common treatments:

  1. Watchful waiting: If you have small fibroids that aren’t causing any symptoms, your doctor may recommend regular monitoring without any treatment. Fibroids often shrink or disappear on their own after menopause.
  2. Medications:
    • Pain relievers: Over-the-counter pain relievers like ibuprofen can help manage menstrual cramps and pelvic pain.
    • Hormonal birth control: Birth control pills, patches, or hormonal intrauterine devices (IUDs) can help control heavy bleeding and menstrual pain associated with fibroids.
    • Gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) agonists: These medications temporarily shrink fibroids by blocking the production of estrogen and progesterone, but they can only be used for a short period due to potential side effects like bone loss.
  3. Non-invasive procedures:
    • Uterine artery embolization (UAE): This procedure involves injecting small particles into the blood vessels that supply the fibroids, cutting off their blood supply and causing them to shrink.
    • Magnetic resonance-guided focused ultrasound surgery (MRgFUS): This non-invasive procedure uses high-intensity ultrasound waves to heat and destroy fibroid tissue while sparing surrounding healthy tissue.
  4. Surgical options:
    • Myomectomy: This surgery involves removing the fibroids while leaving the uterus intact, which can be a good option for women who want to preserve their fertility.
    • Hysterectomy: In severe cases or when fertility is not a concern, a hysterectomy may be recommended to remove the uterus and, sometimes, the cervix.

The choice of treatment depends on your individual circumstances, preferences, and the advice of your healthcare provider. It’s essential to discuss the benefits, risks, and potential outcomes of each option before making a decision.

What factors influence the choice of treatment for fibroids?

The choice of treatment for fibroids depends on several factors, including:

  • Size and number of fibroids: Larger or multiple fibroids may require different treatment approaches compared to smaller, single fibroids.
  • Severity of symptoms: The intensity of symptoms such as heavy menstrual bleeding, pelvic pain, or pressure can influence the choice of treatment.
  • Desire for future fertility: For women who want to preserve their fertility, treatment options that preserve the uterus, such as myomectomy, may be preferred over hysterectomy.
  • Age and overall health: The patient’s age and general health condition can affect the suitability of certain treatment options and the potential risks involved.
  • Effectiveness and safety of the treatment: The success rates and potential risks or side effects associated with each treatment option are considered when making treatment decisions.
  • Patient preferences: Factors such as personal preferences, lifestyle considerations, and willingness to undergo certain procedures or treatments also play a role in determining the most suitable treatment approach.

Ultimately, the choice of treatment should be individualized based on a thorough evaluation of these factors and a discussion between the patient and their healthcare provider.

Is it possible for fibroids to be cancerous?

Most fibroids are non-cancerous, meaning they are not cancerous tumors. However, in very rare cases, a fibroid can contain cancerous cells. These are called “leiomyosarcomas.” Leiomyosarcomas are extremely uncommon, accounting for less than 1% of all uterine tumors. It’s important to note that the vast majority of fibroids are benign (non-cancerous) and do not pose a cancer risk. If you have concerns about the possibility of cancerous fibroids, it’s best to discuss them with the doctor.